Krikzz, famous for the various retro gaming Everdrive flash (RAM) carts, has once again been developing a new product, this time around for the Famicom (NES) - called Everdrive N8.  Everdrive N8 supports Famicom and Twin Famicom systems as well as the NES, an adapter is required through. It's capable of running iNES and FDS ROM images, with automatic side flipping for FDS images. For the cheaters out there, GameGenie support is also available. It automaticly saves to the microSD cart, meaning there's no need to push reset after a game has been played. Software (firmware/mappers) is upgradeable from microSD. The Everdrive N8 uses a powerful Cyclone II FPGA as the heart of the system. It has 4mbit of memory for both PRG (program) and CHR (characters) which is more than enough for every NES/Famicom game out there. A pretty interesting device which I'll hopefully be able to review here sometime this year (no funds for a purchase right now) and hopefully an NES version will see the light of day soon. Everdrive N8 can be ordered directly from RetroGate, Krikzz own shop, if you're in Europe. Americans would be better off ordering from Stone Age Gamer I believe, due to possible customs taxes if ordering from RetroGate. The price tag is $109 for a standard model without USB port, only the bare PCB is available from RetroGate - no plastic casing is available sadly.