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September 22nd, 2012 - 4:33 pm - Posted by Martin
SuperUFO is back with yet another flash device after the successful release of the Super UFO8 SD SNES cartridge. This one is called ED64 Plus, not to be confused with Krikzz' Everdrive64.
ED64 Plus was most likely chosen as SuperUFO's old N64 copier was called CD64 Plus. (right? :-)
ED64 Plus will retail for $99 which is less than any of the competition and far cheaper than the only other mass-produced N64 flash cart on the market, the Neo Myth 64.
The feature list released by the manufacturer is as follows (their exact words)
ED64 plus is a Game Cartridge emulator for your N64 Console. It allows you to play your favourite backup game on your N64 console via ED64 plus.
Besides the game cartridge emulation function.
64Mbyte (512mbit) SDRAM for ROM data
SD and SDHC cards are supported
FAT16/FAT32 support.
Emulation features
Game saves support (SRAM, SRAM128Kbyte, EEPROM16k, EEPROM4k, FlashRam)
Region free
USB port included (Plug and play)
Firmware update by SD card
Extend slot for Boot Cartridge -
Supports all regions (PAL, USA, Japan)
I'll do my best to have a review ready as soon as possible, meanwhile you might want to visit for more info.
September 17th, 2012 - 12:07 pm - Posted by Martin
RareMinion does it again, this time it's footage from the Conker game that never was..
September 16th, 2012 - 6:02 pm - Posted by Martin
I'm speechless... the one N64 game I've ever really wanted to play and this just makes me want to play it even more, so damn awesome :-)
All credit goes to RareMinion for releasing the video, you can visit their site here
September 16th, 2012 - 5:43 pm - Posted by Martin
Today I've added a new N64 section, called Hidden Stuff which shows you how to access the stuff developers tried to hide from the final release or a game.
I had hoped to have more time available to work on the website today, but that didn't happen. However I've changed a few things on the SNES homebrew section and added a few things...
Hopefully I'll have something else ready by tomorrow :-)
The game can be downloaded here until I get a chance to update the SNES homebrew section (planned for the weekend).
The biggest change to version 2.0 is the inclusion of the Pie Factory level. Besides that there are some minor improvements, according to Shiru.
Once again thanks for releasing such an awesome SNES homebrew...
September 12th, 2012 - 4:35 pm - Posted by Martin
This is actually an old review from NESWORLD's long lost sister site, 64scener. The review was made by RedboX and dissapeared from the site during a facelift and never made it back.
But here it is, resurrected from the archives of 64scener :-)
Well while I wanted to have a lot more content added before going live with an SNES homebrew section, now probably is the time to launch it as a lot of awesome SNES games have been released lately.
Charles Doty of Frog Feast fame is back with another SNES title called BLT. Programming began on August 25 and over the next 3 days no less than 3 demos were released.
I haven't played the game yet, but if you like bacon I believe you're in for a real treat :-)
The demos can be downloaded from RasterSofts website until I get that SNES homebrew section up and running.
I just realized that I've never updated the NES proto section to work with other browsers than IE, sorry!, but better late than never eh? oh and I've harvested ebay for proto scans and added those, hope the current owner doesn't mind :-)
A while back I posted some news regarding a new NES homebrew in the works by Frank Westphal, a real-time strategy game called Armed for Battle, I don't believe any NES homebrewer has attempted to do that before?
Anyway a new trailer is out and the game looks awesome :-)
September 8th, 2012 - 1:59 pm - Posted by Martin
Marshall has shown sign a of life by releasing a new 64drive menu update today, most interesting is the ControllerPak management/virtual feature.
Improved region detection (Thanks radorn)
No longer hangs with quickstart on fresh install
Easy delete option added to the image option screen.
Extensive controller pak management. View the contents of the real controller pak and three additional virtual paks. Format is headerless 32k SRAM dump. Same as Dexdrive files, but without the 0x1040 byte header.