Yeah it was time for an upgrade of the site, the script used for future updates is well under way, yesterdays update was made with that very script and I think it works quite well. The new main page is now online. I had originally planned a new years launch along with some other changes, but I'd like to know what you think, so I can't wait! :-) I know it's not a major overhaul, but there's still a lot of changes behind the scene... simplified PHP, new XML junk and more of thatboring stuff. The most noticeable change probably is that the pages are now wider than earlier, which makes room for more info on pages like the N64 release list. Anyway, let me know what you think and sorry about the ads, but that's what pays the bills. The ads makes around $100 per year, no that's not a lot, but just about enough to pay for the current hosting.