So here's the deal. A few weeks back I acquired an early prototype of Superman 64, quite different from the final product. Instead of letting it sit on a shelf I'm offering the ROM to be released for everyone to play, IF we're able to raise...
$350 (donations sofar $290)
... $60 to go!
Donations can be made using Paypal to ""
Please write "Superman" in the donation title, please

Donation deadline is March 31, 2013. If the goal isn't reached by then, all donations will of course be refunded.
Thanks to:
Cheaterdragon1 ($10)
Olivieryuyu2000 ($130!!!)
ImpulseX ($5)
CoinCollector ($20)
Nekojin ($125!!!)
Well even though the goal hasn't been met, I've decided that now is the time to release the ROM, thank you to everyone who has donated and if anyone feels like donating the rest to meet the goal, you are more than welcome to do so and I thank you

Now here's what you've been waiting for.... or some of you at least....
ROM available here:!kl12lZYA!ZVdFyziJBH2wWS6KK4bF6Vjp0G1e3M2lub5v-Bs9KDc----------------------------------------------------------------

Some may say that I'm holding the ROM captive and want a ransom, but I'm simply just making an offer, if you do not like the offer and won't participate, fair enough.. just don't complain please.
A video was made by RarewareCentral of this very cart, so this is what the game is like: