A while back I made a pretty sweet deal on a danish auction site called QXL (aka. Ricardo). I had been following a NES lot for a few days mostly
because it contained a lot of old rental boxes, the boxed (complete) NES deck was just a bonus that was supposed to be resold on QXL to earn back
some of the money.
Collecting Nintendo games has become quite popular over the past few years, even in smaller countries like my own, Denmark, so I actually ended
up paying a lot more than I actually wanted, but hey I just had to get those damn rental boxes, final price of about US$137 (720 DKK). The price may seem
like a lot, but that's typically what stuff like this sells for in this part of the world.
Fortunately the seller only lives about 20 minutes from me so I was able to drive there to pick it up instead of having it all crushed to pieces by the
useless danish postal service.
What I got was one boxed NES Deck with two controllers, manual, and game pack-in being Ice Climber. Another small surprise was hidden inside the box
but I'll have that for later. The games included were Faxanadu, Lolo 2, To The Earth, Adventure of Link, Castlevania, Castlevania II, Solomon's Key,
Section-Z, Wild Gunman, Donkey Kong, Xevious, Super Mario Bros, Willow and Swords & Serpents, all packed in rental boxes except for the last title
As mentioned the NES Deck was supposed to be auctioned off to cover some of the lot price, I was really only interested in the games, well that was until I
noticed a small sticker on the front of the box that mentioned the Ice Climber pack-in game.

Then I remembered an old advertisement I had saved from a newspaper back from those great days in the 1980's... You should be able to spot the Ice Climber
sticker in the newspaper advertisement, if not then click on the picture for a larger scale image.
And then it came to mind, could this be one of the very first NES consoles ever sold in Denmark? So what better way to find out other than flipping the NES Deck
upside down and checking the serial number on the bottom side, and yes indeed this is in fact one of the very first Scandinavian (SCN) NES Decks with a serial
number being PE024542, W00T! :-)
One of the coolest things about owning one of the first NES decks is that the lockout allowed for many more carts to be run the than the later ones do. For
example pirate carts work as well as all types of unlicensed carts except for Tengen carts for some strange reason.
Well and now the best part for last, inside the box for the NES deck a letter from 1988 had survived and it revealed a little bit of the stort behind this
NES Deck. It turned out that it had been a grand prize in some sort of competition held by a now defunct local TV station from Århus area in Denmark and the
NES console was handed over to the winner on 22 January 1988, pretty much around the time NES consoles appeared in Denmark.
The letter congratulates the winner of the NES deck, who remains unknown, and informs the winner there there's a 12 months gurantee on the system, however the
gurantee does not cover instructions on how to attach the NES unit to a TV or how to set up the TV to receive a signal from the NES, hehe.
All in all a very nice gem that definately isn't leaving my NES collection :-)
Oh and the rental boxes turned out to be of no real interest really as only one game had an actual rental box inlay instead of just a cut open box.... oh well....