Ever played a game that featured both Nazis and Goats? No? Well me neither but there's a small chance that we'll be able to.
A guy by the name Jim Welch has started a project called "Goats Vs Nazis" which will be released to the public for free. There is a catch however. To be able to put enough time and energy into the project Jim is looking to raise at least 14.000 dollars.

This should be enough to keep food on the table and a roof over his head during the approx. 12 months of full-time development on the game.
While the project sounds awesome and all, I highly doubt he'll be able to raise that kind of money and with only 46 days to go, only $240 is donated.
It seems like there has been some speculation about the game development actually happening, not sure where that took place though. So to show that Jim actually is capable of making a NES game, a small non-playable demo has been released and it can be downloaded here.
If you'd like to donate some money to the project, it can be done here... but again, 14k seems a bit too much to be honest.
Anyway, yours truly will of course be following the project :-)