Dr. Neo of the NeoFlash team has released a photo of their NeoMyth FC test setup as well as a picture of what the NeoMyth NES is supposed to look like.

So the NeoMyth will be released in both a Famicom (60pin) and NES (72pin) version and the realtime save feature is still on the agenda, something that surely will be a popular feature as well as the NES version of course will be working on both European and US NES consoles.
On a side note Dr. Neo also announced that the N64 NeoMyth project (finally) has reached a near complete state, something I personally have been waiting for for years. But as if that wasn't enough, also the NeoMyth SNES is almost ready for release.
Release dates are still somewhat unclear but the NeoMyth FC/NES should be available around August 2008. For more information please visit www.neoflash.com.