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As I began digging deeper into the the hoax mail sent by TRM aka. Dave Allwein, eventhough he claims he doesn't know anything about it, I discovered that he actually had been pulling off stunts like this one, and worse, for years... all I have to say is, do you remember the "Jeff Scotts" person?... yes that guy's mails came from TRM's IP address too.

Prove it you say?... sure thing!.

Here's a part of a header from a mail address TRM used at the time, back in 2001:

Received: by (mbox nMt1181)
(with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.31 1998/05/13) Thu Feb 8 22:06:45 2001)
X-From_: Thu Feb 8 21:07:43 2001
Message-ID: <>
Received: from [] by; Thu, 08 Feb 2001 12:06:48 PST
Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 12:06:48 -0800 (PST)
From: TRM
Subject: Color Dreams
To: Martin Nielsen

What you need to notice is the IP address used,, which resolved to IP range, a company now known as Adelphia, selling cable solutions. GS Solutions, had a Pennsylvania Division, which also happens to be where TRM lives.

Now to a part of a mail header received from someone who called himself Jeff Scotts, a person who claimed to have been working for Color Dreams and worked on a totally unknown game called Go West and the sort of known Targhan game. It has to be said that I never trusted the guy but none the less mentioned his name in one of my Color Dreams special, something I now deeply regret and will have to rewrite soon.

Received: by (mbox nMt1181)
(with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.31 1998/05/13) Mon Nov 26 22:33:02 2001)
X-From_: Mon Nov 26 06:04:39 2001
Received: from by with HTTP;
Mon, 26 Nov 2001 05:04:12 GMT
X-Originating-IP: []
From: "Jeff S."
Subject: Targhan
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 00:04:12 -0500

I have a very hard time trusting people who use free mail providers as a great deal of them are fake personalities. I told Jeff Scotts I didn't trust him one bit due to various issues, such as his "work" which seemed like it was made by a 3 year old, but also his language. The following is some of the mailing forward and back, Jeff Scotts' writing is marked with blue, my writing is marked with red. Unfortunately I don't have all my replies intact as I didn't make copies of sent mail back then.

But before you begin reading below, please notice that the IP address Jeff Scotts was using actually was identical to the one TRM was using, and Jeff Scotts was using a free mail provider. I never contacted this guy as I had no clue he existed as he never got anything released on the NES atleast, and he mailed me out of now where, well stuff like that happens... just like Phil Mikkelson of American Video Entertainment fame did, and he turned out to be real.

Dear Martin Nielson:

Hi!!!! I am so excited about your site! Let me introduce myself. My name is Jeff Scotts and I worked at the unlicensed company Color Dreams from 1991-1992 when I quit to go on working at a much larger gaming company.

I saw your sit and I thought it was really neat how you made such a big deal over the Color Dreams games. I worked on a few never released titles, such as a western game known as “Go West” It was a title I was doing while freelancing for Color Dreams towards the end of my stay. It used the Crystal Mines gaming engine and it had cowboys and indians fighting. There were cacti and all kinds of stuff. It never really made it that far though…we just started doing the graphics but the thoughts of creating a religious game stopped Go West in its tracks. I also did varius things on many other games as well. I have enclosed a pic of Go West, taken from my old back up copy of NinDraw which I recently dug up. Concrats on your site.


Jeff Scotts

PS: Do you have Nate Manchester’s e-mail address? I was a friend of his back then but we lost contact over the years and I haven’t heard from him since. He probably forgot about me by now but its worth a try. Good luck dude. Wow!

>Thank you for reading my Color Dreams articles, quite funny how >they've attracted quite a few ex-employees who also wanted to tell >their story :)
>It's been quite awhile (a year?) since I spoke with Nate >Manchester, his mail address then was, can >have changed since :-/
>What other unreleased games did you work on? (I'm very interested >in hearing about those!). Also if you ever feel like parting with the >NinDraw files, let me know, I've got a copy of NinDraw myself (V1.10) and >sure wouldn't mind checking them out.
>Thanks again,

Yeah, I have included a file from go west game. Included is 1.drw and 1.vid, both for Go West. The game was going down the wrong track thus I quit and the game never surfaced. Somewhere I have more .drw files like the one I showed you earlier but unfortuanatly I misplaced them. Well I didn't, my daughter took the floppy it was on and I am still looking for it. Gotta be more careful I guess.

Stormlords was another never released game. Can't really remember much about it. I think it was for the hellraiser cart but I can't be sure. Someday I may "join" the emulation scene and work on finishing up a few of my old projects. I'll keep you informed.

What all NinDraw files do you have? Do you think you could send me a few of them, you know, for nostalgic purposes? I'll keep digging up the info. I know there was atleast one more game I worked on, maybe a few more. Its hard to keep track Heck its been over 10 years!!!!!! I'll see how else I can help you Martin. Congrats to you brutha.

Jeff Scotts

PS - Are you interested in Commodore 64 and stuff? I've done things on there too as well as I am still doing graphics for selected PC games.

Thats it! I remember now. I did a game Targhan, not sure if it was released or not. It was based off of the old C64 game Targhan. The boxarts were exactly the same too. I'll see if I can find more Targhan stuff for you. Hope to hear from you soon Martin.

-Jeff Scotts

Yo Martin dude,

If there is anything else I can do to help you out w/ COlor Dreams let me know and I'll try my best to help out. When are you gonna update your site? I can't wait to see the new info added. Cheers.

Jeff Scotts

>Just having a hard time getting the info verified, as your NinDraw file >looked like it was done by someone, anyone, with a copy of the program, >and threw that stuff together in 5 seconds, no offence.
>Nearly everything I've written sofar has been told by more than one >person, no one has ever mentioned Go West.
>I deeply apologize if I'm mistaken here, but I just won't publish >something which is nothing more than someone fooling around, >pretending to be from Color Dreams.

I am slightly offeneded by what you have just told me. I found a few more of my files, btw. The reason why no one has ever mentioned Go West before was because I was doing it as a freelance project for them. I still might send you my other files but I am not too sure since you've hurt my feelings.

Jeff Scotts

A few more Go West docs and files I recovered.

Jeff Scotts

You think my stuff is fake? Heres anatha set of files from disk # 2.

Jeff Scotts

To Martin:

Yeah, sorry about anything I've said. I think I may have sent you the wrong Nindraw files. I cam across a few more last night which looked more like the stuff. You see, we (the Color Dreams people) could all bring our kids in to work while we did our work and a few times we actually left our kids draw graphics and that my daughter drew up. I got the actual game stuff, send you some pics of it too yet its at home computer and this is my work computer. I'll post them tonight at the free picture hosting thingie. Instead of lava we had rivers, cacti, horses and indians instead of the monsters. The player(cowboy) looked terribly crappy though. I'll get you a copy of the game whenever I get totally done. Why it was hard to verify? I was working on it mostly freelance, Stormlords was my main game for other works. Did you know Secret Scout was freelanced? I never go the game up and running even...maybe cuz I quit there and got myself a job in the polotics now. Better stuff though more stress. Color Dreams will always be remember by us workers...we had alot of fun...we would go to bars at times at night and discuss things really late such as how fast a faeri can dance...Talk to you later dude. I'll get you more stuff.

Jeff Scotts

Another pic from my game Go West...could you post this one tonight too, I don't have a program at my home PC to turn bmps into jpgs and I really don't wann go back to wok at this time...thanks.

-Jeff Scotts

"I've received a few mails, more than one person, over the past months from people pretending to be former workers of Color Dreams, now how lame is that?" Yo Martin, whats this about? I try to be nice, sending you stuff from my Color Dreams experience, and you try and make me look like the badguy. I HATE when people do that to me. Next time I won't be so nice.


As I explained once before, those drawings were done by my daughter who was 5 at the time. She did them for fun. I must have sent you the wrog file before. I have anutha, if you want me to send it to you.

I haven't written anything bout my stay because YOU didn't ask me to. I would answer any questions you wanted, you just have to tell me what you want to know.

I'm writing from a Hotmail address because it's free?!?! I mean I ain't gonna give out my buissness address to people I don't know, hek even you admitted the NES scene is a bunch of teenage jerks. I don't want my e-mail spammed, man.

Dan doesn't remember me eh? Lets see you remember everyone who you ever knew? I surely don't. I don't have time to recall everyone there...too many names dude.

Whats with the "Yo" and other street talk? Thats how I talk man. Hope you don't have a prob with that. Most of us Californians talk like this.

Sorry for given you a hard time. It's just that I feel that everyone thinks I'm a liar and I just don't like it very much. It just seems like everytime I do a favore for anyone (not just you), I never get the thanks I should get. Later dude.

Jeff Scotts

>you've already sent me two which are practically identical..... >you've already sent me two which are practically identical..... Really? I send you a 3rd, the stuff actually to be used in Go West game

>Not like I am giving out mail addresses on the website. Hey man, I still don't like giving out my e-mail to people I don't know. How was I to know you were not a teenage spammer when I sent you the initial e-mail? Its called trust I guess.

>Probably not, but he could've/should've remembered the game, no? Hey, this game wasn't a big deal. After a few barebones graphics and a few levels (10 if I recall) production was stopped on it for, what I now know as cuz of the religious games. I sent the other work for Go West, the stuff I did. Tell me what you think.

Jeff Scotts


Dude. I would have sent you that file awhile ago yet I think I sen you the same on twice by accident. My fault. Anyway, if you wanna know anything elase, I'll see how I can help you.


Yo Martin dude! I was digging through some of me old disks yesterday, I found a few pics of Targhan, one of my NES games. A pic is attatched, level 1 BG. Later.

Jeff Scotts

After very little interest from my side, he stopped mailing me, but went onto various messageboards claiming he would try to finish Go West and have it released on a real cartridge, of course it never happened and he stopped posting shortly after.

My conclusion to this is that it probably was TRM an/or his brother who was messing around, fortunately I didn't fall for it, atleast not enough for them to be happy as TRM was after a few NinDraw files I had from Menace Beach, he even asked if I could send the NinDraw files I had, but it never happend.. it was too obvious that he was fake. The Targhan background he sent could most likely be from the C64 version of the game.

It wasn't until recently I checked the mail header, eventhough I usually do when someone who claims to be a source mails me directly. Funny this is that TRM actually posted this on an older version of his NES site, The Warp Zone.
(A link to the long dead version of TWZ).

A few weeks ago, a guy by the name of Jeff Scotts showed up over at NES World's board, claiming that he worked for Color Dreams during the years of 1990-1991. This is exactly what he said:


My name is Jeff Scotts and I was a freelance artist for Color Dreams around 1990-1991 time period. I worked on several never released games such as Go West, a Crystal Mines engine based game which really went bad. The graphics stank. I also worked on a Stormlords game which was going to use the supercart technology.

I recently came across some of my old stuff and I plan on reproducing the Go West game so it plays on emulators. I never got much of the game done yet I am currently working hard to finish up this never released wonder.

I contacted the owner of this site (Martin Nielson) and he thought I was a fraud. This really disturbs me considering the fact that I indeed worked at Color Dreams for a few years. He judged me cuz the graphics to Go West weren't very good...why do you think it was scrapped?

I'm working on finishing up the level desins for Go West. We all had a format to use when designing levels for Crystal Mines it out on graph paper first then start placing the graphics into Nindraw. I'll keep you all informed about my game. Talk to you soon.

Jeff Scotts

I'm not really sure who this Jeff guy is. I don't remember hearing about him before...but I guess it's possible that he could have worked at Color Dreams. Even if he didn't, we still have a western Crystal Mines game to look forward to in the future.

Who know if this was an attempt to make a smart cover-up. But Jeff Scotts was never heard from again.

A few months passed and Phil Mikkelson contacted me, and TRM, about a trade deal where one of us would get a copy of CueStick if we could supply him a working, near mint, Sega Nomad. I had a store I trusted send Phil a Sega Nomad which unfortunately was too broken to work properly, but Phil kept his word anyway and sent off the CueStick game and some other goodies. Around January 20th 2002 the package arrived while I was at work and no one was home to receive the package, so it went back to the post office and a note was left in the mailbox that they had a package for me.

I was over excited that evening and couldn't sleep either, I even left work early that next day to reach to the post office in time before they closed. Things went very wrong that night I couldn't sleep though. When I entered the post office the next day and the woman behind the counter, who knew me and knew I usually got stuff from all over the world, looked very scared at me. I handed over the note from the mailman and she went to look for the package. I did notice that she got more and more stressed as she couldn't find the package, I wasn't worried though as there were piles of packages all over the place. About 6-8 minutes later she returned and gave me the news that they had been robbed the night before. I did hear an alarm that morning when I left for work but had of course no clue it was the post office, then again it might not even have been but it came from that direction.

I began investigating what had happened as she wouldn't tell me anything about how it happened, I was unable to get any clues until a few days later when the paper wrote that they forgot to close a window at the post office and someone had seen it, entered the postoffice and stolen some dummy-display-cellphones, but the paper didn't write anything about the stolen packages.

So I went to the post office, slammed the newspaper onto the counter and asking to see the manager, who was the most incompetent person I've ever met (well so was basicly everyone else at that post office - it later got closed). He had no clue what to do except asking me to state serveral times what the package included.... Erh anyway to shorten off this story a little, the CueStick package was never found and I contacted Phil to let him know about the tragic incident. Being the cool person he is he told me that he had another CueStick cart which was the final beta (the stolen one was the final version of the game) that he originally intended to keep himself, but would let it go for a Nomad in perfect condition. So I got one which included 6 games and sent it to him. As a little extra I got 2 other protos Phil had, one being from his days at Color Dreams, a blue cart he wasn't too sure if worked and was supposedly Escape from Atantis. The other cart was an AVE game called Poke Block which later was renamed to Stakk'M and only released on the maxi15 by AVE. I believe TRM got very jealous, I know I would if he got them, and when he heard I had managed to dump the game, he decided it was time to take action. How can I say it was TRM? well I really can't but it did come from his IP address I later discovered, when it pretty much was too late...

I have to include that by this time TRM and I had become pretty much enemies due to me getting pissed to using what I felt were my ideas over and over, claiming them to be his own. One day it all went crazy, I was doing some research about Odyssey Software and asked TRM for Art Cestaro's email as I knew TRM had it, but he refused to help at all, and our "war" started. I shortly after found Art Cestaro myself and didn't need TRMs help anyway, but he had stepped on my toes too many times, enough was enough.

On August 27th 2002 a guy called Mike Denio, famous for his brilliant ame called Captain Comic. Just like Jeff Scotts he contacted me out of nowhere, but I knew who he was so I wasn't too worried.


I was browsing through your page the other day and I thought I had some information that you might want to add to it.

I never worked at Color Dreams like many sources say, I did do a game for them though. I had designed a game for them known as Captain Comic, one of their first Nintendo games I believe.

The game was a lot of fun to program and port over from the PC. I still have copies of the PC Captain Comic game, as well as its sequel, Captain Comic 2.

Captain Comic on PC did quite better than that of the NES version. We just didn't have the power on NES that you can get out of a PC. Therefore, there are a few changes between the two games.

I was the main programmer on Captain Comic and my friend Anthony Henderson had did the graphics. Later we went our seperate ways when Anthony had wanted to make a few more NES titles, I had wanted to work on Comic 2 for PC.

Anthony was one of the primary workers on another game on your page, Escape from Atlantis. I had actually got to play test that game for him one night, it was quite fun. Sometimes I get the urge to play the game again, though Anthony doesn't have the game anymore. Since the game was never put out (according to your article) I guess I won't be able to play it ever. Too bad.

Captain Comic 2 did a lot better than the original, I believe. I had did my Comic games that they were shareware, if people enjoyed them they would send me money and I would give them a few bonus things,such as my phone number, cheats, and so forth. Fractured Reality had so many more capabilities.

Anyway, if you have any more questions, feel free to ask me. I'll try to find both PC Captain Comics and I'll send them your way.

Mike Denio

I of course begame over excited and forgot everything about checking up on the person, but then again why would I.. this was the man himself... Mike Denio!!

Well actually it wasn't... proof? yup, here you go.

The following is an email from TRM received around the time.

Received: by (mbox nmt1181)
(with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.31 1998/05/13) Sun Aug 18 21:14:00 2002)
X-From_: Sun Aug 18 18:27:19 2002
Received: from [] by (NTMail 7.00.0022/AX0191.00.1ce0e1da) with ESMTP id okaiukaa for; Sun, 18 Aug 2002 09:24:51 -0700
Message-Id: <>
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.1.1
Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 12:26:42 -0400
Subject: Sorry To Hear About It

And here's one of the headers from Mike Denio's mails... something I just recently decided to check into.

Received: by (mbox nmt1181)
(with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.31 1998/05/13) Tue Aug 27 19:57:05 2002)
X-From_: Tue Aug 27 19:23:08 2002
Received: from (HELO
by ( with SMTP; 27 Aug 2002 10:18:05 -0700
X-Sent: 27 Aug 2002 17:18:05 GMT
Received: from [] by with HTTP; Tue,
27 Aug 2002 10:18:01 -0700 (PDT)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Captain Comic

As you can see, also Mike Denio used TRM's PC to write his emails. At the time I did not know that was a free mail service, but I had to interest in doing some extra checking.

Anyway "Mike Denio" told me that a good friend of his, Anthony Henderson (of Castle of Deceit "fame") has written Escape of Atlantis. I had been looking for the programmer of EFA for months but the game doesn't state who made it and I was pretty much clueless, but was over excited "to have found the programmer".

So I contacted Anthony Henderson using the email address "Mike Denio" had supplied. I was a little suspecious when Anthony Henderson kept asking for the rom of EFA before he would send anything at all, I even at one point stopped replying his mails as I knew he was using a free mail service.

The following is every mail from Anthony Henderson and my replies. Hendersons text is blue and mine is red.

Wow, I cannot believe that you have this game!!! Mike and I had been friends for years, even before Color Dreams. After we did Captain Comic, I had worked on Escape from Atlantis, then I worked on Castle of Deceit later for Bunch.

I primarily did the graphics to Captain Comic, which was a piece of cake. All I had to do was downgrade the PC graphics a bit to work them into the Nitendo's limiations.

On Escape from Atlantis, I had worked on the whole game except for music. It was like my game. The idea I had gotten from my sister while we were talking on the phone one late evening. I remember telling Rachel that I had just finished up on Comic, that I had wanted to do some more games though I hadn't any ideas. We got to talking about other things and then suddenly she said Escape From Atlantis. I was like hell yeah, that sounds good. So that is how it came about.

The last game I had taken part in was Castle of Deceit for Bunch. The game is basically a clone of the earlier Captain Comic game, I pretty much swiped some ideas from it. The game turned out fairly bad I think.

I really don't want to sell the rights to Escape from Atlantis, I hardly have anything left from this time period of my life. I don't have any of the old stuff anymore, that I know of, except for a few drawings which I'm not sure where they are. The rights are practilly the only things I have left.

I read some of your Color Dreams articles-- very nice. I also read your Escape from Atlantis article and it brought back some memories. I thought the game was totally lost, nothing left of it.

Mike had introduced me to something a few years ago known as emulation. After checking around a bit I was able to obtain the rom to Castle of Deceit and Captain Comic. I was wondering though, do you have a rom image for the Escape from Atlantis cart you have? I wouldn't mind playing the game after so many years, for nostalgic purposes.

Thanks and good day. Hope I cleared up some issues.

A. Henderson

> Hi
> If you only knew how long I have been looking for the programmer of > Escape from Atlantis! Not ever thinking you were the one who made it, no > name seems to appear anywhere in the game (I also own a Castle of Deceit > cartridge by the way :)
> Do you remember why Color Dreams decided not to release the game? my > copy seems pretty much complete, but I've never passed level 2 (rivers > of lava). I remember seeing the box/label art for EFA somewhere, but a > very bad picture unfortunately.
> Remember which other Color Dreams games you worked on besides Escape > from Atlantis and Captain Comic?... Color Dreams had a few other games > which went unreleased, unfortunately these seems to be totally gone > (games like Targhan and Hellraiser).
> I'll see what I can do about sending you a rom image of the game.
> - Martin


Escape from Atlantis just wasn't the game it could have been, atleast that is the reason I was told that it was canned. There was already another Atlantis based game, King Neptune Adventures and they thought it was the better of the two.

Below is what I had done and for what games:
Captain Comic- Graphics
Escape From Atlantis- Programming, Graphics
Castle of Deceit- Programming, Graphics
Code Blue- Graphics

There was another game I had worked on a tiny bit, Code Blue. The game was pretty much a weak racer, where you had to drive to the hospital in time without the patients dying. Pretty crappy theme. 10% of the graphics were done, the game was thought to be in bad taste so it was cancelled.

You had mentioned two games in your last email, Targhan and Hellraiser. I didn't do any work on either projects, though I had heard of both. Color Dreams bought the rights to Targhan from Hewsen in England and a few people started porting it over. The game was coming along nicely though Color Dreams had started making the bible games. At this point, I couldn't make a buck with them as a freelancer since I really wasn't interested in making bible games and Color Dreams wasn't interested in making fun games.

Hellraiser was worked on by the majority of the workers at Color Dreams. Ronald Riser or something like that had designed the actual program, a bunch of other people had actually worked on the game though as far as I know it went unreleased.

Hope I was helpful.

A. Henderson

> Thanks, looks like I may have enough for another Color Dreams article > soon, if that's okay with you. If you happen to stumble across some > files (or papers) from the days of Color Dreams, like the art for Code > Blue, you sure would make my day. Code blue is one of the few games that > has absolutely no information in existance.
> Another unreleased game known to exist is Happy Camper by Jon Valesh, I > think he still has the binaries, for use with emulators.
> Here's a list of known unreleased Color Dreams games:
> Code Blue
> Creation
> Dragon Tale
> Escape from Atlantis
> Free Fall (made into FishFall and released on a bible cartridge)
> Gill
> Happy Camper
> Hellraiser
> Maggots
> Starblade
> Targhan
> - Martin


Sure, you can write another article if you like. I wouldn't mind. If I happen to find anything laying around, I'll send it your way.

I really haven't heard of any of the other unreleased games. If you could send me a rom for Escape From Atlantis, that would make my day. To play a game I had done which I thought was totally lost.


A. Henderson

Includes a very small picture from a CD ad in the next mail. Five unreleased??? games. Starblade, Hellraiser, Escape from Atlantis, Targhan, and Isharo. -- Get your free email from

Powered by Outblaze

> Isharo?!.... do you have a larger scan of that ad?
> - Martin

Hello Martin,

I would love to send you a larger picture alas that is the original size so it wouldn't work too well to do that.

Isharo was a licensed purchased by those who planned to do Targhan and Starblade.

After I had talked to you the first time, I was inspired to look for my old stuff. The small promo add thing I thought was a bit interesting. I also have a larger version of it, as in really large.

I don't think I'll scan it though, too large and I am really not sure how scanning it would benefit. Too much trouble. I did find a box with some old Code Blue art work and preliminary concepts but I'm not sure what you would want to see out of that stuff. There's a lot.

I have a few concept sketches for Escape from Atlantis, though I don't have the source code anymore. I never keep the sources for my programs. After a while, you just don't remember what is what when looking back upon it ten years later.

I guess that means no Escape From Atlantis for me :(

A. Henderson


I might try to scan the larger thing, it may not completly line up though.
I will have to scan it in
I'll try to send you level design concept art, it's all graphed out on paper basically.

EfA is such a crappy game, a horrific sensation came across me when I realized someone else had played the game. Would be great if you would send me a copy of the rom, no I wouldn't want to release it.

Get the other pictures to you in a few days time.

A. Henderson


I have the following I can scan:

Ten different level concepts for the Code Blue game, carefully graphed out and such.

The promo poster thingie, though it is so big I probably won't scan it.

Escape from Atlantis sketches--2 of them

Captain Comic promo badges

Code Blue design document

Tell me what you are interested in seeing and I will scan it for you after you send me the Escape from Atlantis rom. Thanks.

A. Henderson

> Hmmm funny how I have to send the rom at this moment....
> No offence, the story is there alright, but I've seen no pics yet and
> you're mailing me from a free mail account... and now already requesting
> a rom image :-/
> - Martin


The same thing could be said of you. Why do I have to send you the stuff before you send the rom to me?

I provided enough information for a nice article though I am a bit leary about scanning my old game work due to some past issues that may be brought back again, some falling outs, and so forth. Don't want to get involved with it again at this time. Sorry.

A. Henderson

He sendt me a small scan of some EFA sprites on some graph paper, it pretty much verifies him in my book eventhough anyone could make these, scans of EFA was already on my website. So I stop replying his mails and about a month pass where I don't hear from him until he November 1st mails me 2 source files


I haven't heard from you for awhile. I found a few old asm files which I've attached. Anything new with the Escape From Atlantis thing?

a. henderson

> Hi
> Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, but work has kept me busy as
> well as being in the middle of moving. I've attached a semi-working copy
> of the EFA game, dumped with an eprom writer/reader (and it looks like
> the CHR didn't come out too well, but its viewable and playable)

So I decide to give him the ROM eventhough I still was suspecious, very little though.

> Hi
> Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, but work has kept me busy as
> well as being in the middle of moving. I've attached a semi-working copy
> of the EFA game, dumped with an eprom writer/reader (and it looks like
> the CHR didn't come out too well, but its viewable and playable)

Yes, the graphics have some screw ups. On level four for example, the rocks are shown as little balls.

> I'm planning the next Color Dreams article to be added mid-december, and
> it should give you your share of the Color Dreams fame ;)

Did you talk with anyone else from Color Dreams for this installment? Anything else you want to know?

> If you wish to share some information (pictures?) about code blue for
> the article, then feel free to send them along.

I'll see what I can dig up. For EFA, we should have stuck with the classical music :)

a. henderson

He then sends me a savegame for EFA done with nesterj, a little more time passes, I'm busy with work so I don't have time to mess around with EFA and this guy

Did you ever win Escape from Atlantis? I finally had some time to sort through my stuff, I came across a few disks containing Code Blue source code and so forth. Too bad most of the files were now currupt. I have attached what I managed to salvage...probably can't do much with it though. Please don't distribute the asm file either...I probably shouldn't have given it out in the first place. How is your article coming along?

A. Henderson

He includes more code and some Code Blue title sprites

>Don't worry about the asm file leaving my harddrive, I have lots of other
>Color Dreams stuff which haven't been distributed, and I trust you not to
>release the Escape from Atlantis rom either ;)
>I can see that Code Blue is fairly old, did the NinDraw PC program exist
>at that time? (got any .vid files for it?) who's project was code blue?
>I've been working hard on an AVE special which have taken much of my time
>lately. plus I'm moving (tomorrow), so the past weeks have been quite busy
>I'm still planning to have another Color Dreams page ready by mid
>December, anything you can remember from that time would be helpful. :)
>You wouldn't happen to have a program called "a65"... some sort of
>- Martin

Don't worry about the asm file leaving my harddrive, I have lots of other Color Dreams stuff which haven't been distributed, and I trust you not to release the Escape from Atlantis rom either ;)

--Yeah that makes me feel good, who else do you talk with from back in the days?

I can see that Code Blue is fairly old, did the NinDraw PC program exist at that time? (got any .vid files for it?) who's project was code blue?

--The NinDraw program was non existant at that time. We did use vid files with a program called Ninbug, reset run and play. It was the old NinDraw program, I may still have a copy tucked away somewhere. What's it worth to you?

--In answering your other question, Code Blue was partially my game. Someone else had come up with the idea (cannot remember who) and I worked on it a bit, tossing ideas around here and there. I had a 9 stage demo running at one point though the chances of reconstructing it are almost nil.

I'm still planning to have another Color Dreams page ready by mid December, anything you can remember from that time would be helpful. :)

--I had never really worked for Color Dreams, I had just done some work for them here and there. It was fun working on a game when I felt like it and then stopping when I felt like it. Whenever I got something done, I would show it to some of the other guys to gain their thoughts.

--I remember one time when I was making a visit to Color Dreams. Vance was working on a game called Menace Beach. I'm not sure if it was ever released or not, it was pretty fun though. You controlled this kid who was trying to rescue his girlfriend from some kind of beast. Every stage the girl would lose some of her clothes, something which was a big step for Color Dreams to take. Back then, games weren't allowed to have suggestive themes.

--There were about seven or eight stages from the game, that I can remember. I also remember play testing one of the bonus stages, the kid was riding on a jet ski of sorts transversing the rapids. Some pretty nice stuff.

--Another time, I was giving a program named NinDraw. I had played around with it a bit, it was towards the end of my stay. I worked on an Egyption game which included seven different puzzles, however, it play tested poorly. It was basically a reincarnation of Escape from Atlantis, the graphics were redone in NinDraw and then the program was tweaked a bit. I may still have the files, I know I have a copy of Nindraw version 1.11.

You wouldn't happen to have a program called "a65"... some sort of compiler.

--Once again, I believe I still do have a copy of the compiler, unless the disk is currupt. I really don't think I should give it out though, some guy had made it and licensed it off to Color Dreams. Though I could make an exception to you if you really want, what did you want to use it for?

A. Henderson

He mails the compiler I asked for...

I have attached the assembler I had used, since you were asking about it. Since I've sent it to you, may I ask what you had wanted it for? This is something I probably shouldn't have given to anyone, but it's always good to help people. Thanks.


> Oh btw, another unreleased Color Dreams game title was mentioned today,
> Dragon's Tale. Have you ever heard of it?
> - Martin

Dragon's Tale? Never heard of it, who told you about this game? I didn't think anyone still played those old games anymore, ha I was wrong!

I remember Kung Fu! Most of the Color Dreams games were based off of that, however I liked doing my games from scratch. That engine seemed too buggy for my liking, I remember a game, Drug Czar I think, that used Kung Fu engine. Never heard of Free Fall.

Good luck with the assembling. If they compile right I would love if you sent them over here. Thanks.


> Compiled the tester asm you sent me and added the freefall vid(chr),
> here you go :)
> - Martin

you managed to compile that eh? I thought that it was currupted or something. I had even forgotten about this until today. You may want to find my friend, George Walter. I'm not sure what he ever did after Color Dreams, though he had worked on several interesting games. Maybe he did work on that Dragon Tale game you had asked about? Last time I talked with him, he had headed off for Core Designes.

Good luck, if you find him send my regards. Thanks.


> Hi
> I finished the American Video Entertainment Special last night and put
> it online, you can see it at if you're
> interested.
> Last weekend I started working on the next Color Dreams article, you can
> see a very early version of the text here, please note that I didn't
> have access to my mail/info archive when writing it.
> it's available at:
> I should have a much nicer version of the article available tomorrow.
> - Martin
> PS: if you've found more artwork from Code Blue or any other game you
> worked on and don't mind sharing, then I'll be very grateful.

Nice, though there seems to be several grammatical errors and such. I'll gladly proofread the final draft when the time comes, if you want me to before you release your article.

Although I really didn't know anything about AVE before you had mentioned them to me, that article you wrote explains a lot. Chalk full of pictures too. What all are you going to use, picture wise, for the Color Dreams article? I know you'll probably put that stuff up I sent you.

I'll gladly look and see if I have anything else, I wish I would have filed it all or something. Just 50 thousand papers from various time periods, all slapped in a few closets scattered around the house. (I shouldn't admit that)

I will see what I can do for you.


> Hi
> Well I'm not that careful when I write the article, but most errors
> should be corrected when it's being read through a few times before the
> release. Also there's some differences between the English (UK) grammar
> and the American, and UK being my second language I know I'll never get
> it 100% correct :)
> Anyway, thanks for offering to correct the final version I'll of course
> gladly accept that offer :)
> Here's a tiny update, didn't get as much stuff done yesterday as I
> wanted to:
> - Martin
> PS: I will only include the pictures you send me if you allow me to, if
> you send me something you'd rather not have out in the open that
> perfectly fine with me.

Use any of the pics you want. I tried looking at what you had added, though the link you provided did not seem to work for me. Thanks.

> Well the CDREAMS directory had to be caps, but I've changed it now so
> it's "normal". Also did a slight update of the page yesterday.
> - Martin

I had heard about that Targhan game--there was a lot told about it, during my frequent trips delivering programs. I have a few vague memories of Jeff as well, though not too many. He was your typical funny guy, always a prankster and a true cowboy at heart.

How far did you ever get in Escape from Atlantis anyway? Complete it yet? I should write an answers guide.


Merry Christmas Martin. I have a few other stories to write, though I probably won't get around to it until tomorrow when I'm done with the food. Thanks and have a good holiday season.



I'm glad to see that you are finally back online. I have been meaning to talk with you though I figured I would not disturb you until I saw that you got things set up at your new house. Glad to see that you've pulled through.

I was looking through your newest Color Dreams article to proof read it, though I really do not want to do so until you get it into the "final" format. Then I would love to look over it, proof read it, and fix any errors that you might have made before you actually post this thing on your site.

I found a few interesting program codes that I didn't even know I had. The problem is, they do not contain any graphics files, just the .prg files. Are you interested in looking at these? Did you ever complete Escape from Atlantis? Should I sent you a short cheat guide for it?

I haven't found any more Code Blue screenshots as of yet, though I'm pretty sure that I'm missing a box of stuff. It has to be around here somewhere.

Also, I had recently talked to Judye Pistol who had worked with me on Castle of Deceit. Her email is so you might want to email her. I told her that you probably would, so she's expecting you. We have been friends since 1984.

I had also worked on a few Atari and Colecovision games before I got involved with the NES. Are you interested in any of these stories?


The same say I received the mail above I received a rather odd mail, ad received one similar months earlier but didn't pay enough attention, but this time I did, and you can read the result of that ( here ), it would actually be wise to read if you haven't already. So had I really found the programmer of EFA? answer... NOPE!! proof...

Received: by (mbox nmt1181)
(with Cubic Circle's cucipop (v1.31 1998/05/13) Tue Aug 27 23:57:42 2002)
X-From_: Tue Aug 27 23:54:10 2002
Received: from [] by with http for; Wed, 28 Aug 2002 05:49:47 +0800
From: "Anthony Henderson"
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 05:49:47 +0800
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: More Captain Comic

Amazing, even Anothony Henderson was using TRMs PC, he must have the whole Color Dreams team stored away in his closet. Unfortunately my suspecion was put to rest by well written emails with lots of useful facts, and that various Color Dreams files were supplied over time such as the A65 assembler and some code. One file claimed to be Code Blue source actually was a slightly edited "test rom" source, but wasn't too important by then... he had me in the palm of his hand.

But this time I had decided to send the Escape of Atlantis ROM to him, after having though of it over and over and how I probably would release it to the public eventually anyway. But just to be sure I edited various stuff out of the CHR set, stuff that couldn't be redrawn to make it look like the original, also the titlescreen was changed slightly.

I did this mainly because I at that time still was suspecius of someone playing with my mind, most likely someone from the "NES ROM scene" as they also knew I had dumped the rom.

I approached the ROM scene outlet at fefea and found out that the Escape from Atlantis prg file had been leaked to them by someone called Robert Chronister. Here's a small part of an email sent to them...

Message-ID: <>
Received: from [] by via HTTP; Fri, 10 Jan 2003 14:54:39 PST
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 14:54:39 -0800 (PST)
From: rob chronister <>
Subject: Re: Secret--Color Dreams

You guessed it already? YES! Robert Chronister also uses TRMs PC!

I did a compare of my dumped (which probably was overdumped and slightly off, as it was done with a EPROM writer/reader:
E:\000>fc /b atlantis.prg efa.prg
Comparing files Atlantis.prg and efa.prg
FC: no differences encountered

The prg leaked from TRM is identical to the one I dumped. He was wise enough not to let anyone see the edited CHR.

The first part of this article which was posted yesterday had a response from TRM which goes like this... TRMs text in blue, my replies are in red.

Hello Martin.

At this point in time, I feel that we need to lay all of our cards out onto the table and settle our differences once and for all.

You are right, my brother and I took that picture you had posted, edited it a bit, and sent it to you yesterday. If I knew that it would have upset you that much, I probably wouldn't have done so. We all have different senses of humor, and I didn't really mean it as a personal attack, just a bit of senseless humor. I'm sorry for that, hope I didn't offend you too much.

However, you are not guilt free from our little "feud" of the last several months either. I'm sure you know what you did/didn't do, I won't even bother going in to it at the moment.

At this point, everyone pretty much knows how we do not get along. I believe that enough is enough--we should make ammends, call it quits, or whatever, let the whole last years bitching be in the past.

I have also attached a picture for your viewing pleasure, of a Chiller cart cased in a Color Dreams case. I doubt you have ever seen this one before! Enjoy it, use it for whatever you want.

I hope you accept my appologies, I hope that we can both put our differences in the past. Maybe we'll build up a friendship again someday, like we had before our disagreements. Thanks, have a good day.

Hope to hear from you soon.


> I must congratulate you... you've been pulling off
> this scam for quite
> some time...
> Jeff Scotts (back in 2001)
> Mike Denio
> and A. Henderson
> If you hadn't blown your cover with that mail
> yesterday you probably
> could've continued for months .

What the hell are you talking about?


Hello Martin.

First of all, I am in a CISCO class. 2 year program. Yes, I do know all about headers.

Secondly, I am still clueless about those mails. When a person uses a computer that is accessed by many a folk, anyone could have come and sent any of those messages to you.

Now I can't say about the Henderson/Denio thing either way, however, I can say that I have seen my brother using a J Scotts account at one point while emailing some of his friends.

Talk to you later man, I take it appologies not accepted?

>You're full of shit you know that? you had me fooled, lucky for me you
>blew your cover yourself... I just can't believe I had myself fooled for
>that long, I'm usually more careful..

and I am tremendosly sorry for anything my brother or friends had sent to you dude. Some people these days--it's damn crazy out there. I guess I'll have to be more careful with who I have over next time.

Something that you are forgetting is this: there are more game collectors in the world then you. Yes, a lot of my friends from the area are game collectors as well, so it would be a pretty easy thing to fake. Then if the plan blew up in their face, the logical assumption that would be made is that I would be the guilty party letting everyone else off.

Take Cole Younger and his family. Are they partially guilty for all of the banks being robbed in the 1880s, and at Northfield, or were they innocent as Cole claims in his autobiography? Most people would believe that Cole was just bull shitting the whole thing, though we do not know.

In all, when you got 15-20 friends who collect games, they're gonna talk about it a lot, right? Right. You have them coming over and hanging out online, shit beyond anyone's dreams can happen.

As I said before, I didn't leak anything to the rom scene--maybe one of my cronies did though I cannot do anything about that. Remember when you had used that Adventure Island 2 proto pic on your site? It's funny how that appeared only after I had posted it on my site. Remember how you said that somebody contributed it to you? Well it's like this, even if it was ripped of my site, I cannot do anyhting about it if you didn't do the actual ripping, if one of your cronies did. I cannot help what any of my cronies did.

I know I'm stupid because I fell for something like this, but what worries me is that people seem to like the personality TRM has, but I know now that I was right all along.

Make your own conclusion of this and your own judgement, just one thing I have to ask, would you ever trust his guy?