October 26th, 2009 - 2:29 pm - Posted by Martin Comments: 0
Yeah I'm a lot slower than the rest, but NESWORLD has finally reached Twitter and you can find us here
October 8th, 2009 - 12:27 pm - Posted by Martin Comments: 0

A long time ago a copy of the Nintendo Campus Challenge for the NES was found at a garage sale, selling for something like $50. A few years later the game was resold for roughly $3000.

Fast forward to a few months ago the game was once again resold, now at no less than $14000, Then today, only a few minutes ago the game once again changed hands, this time at a recordsetting price of no less than $20100. That's truly one hell of a price I must say.

The sale happened on ebay where the starting bid was no more than $0.99, making the road for jjgames to making the money back very long. For days the auction didn't really get anywhere and until roughly half a minute before the auction ended the price was at $7500.

It looked like jjgames would be taking a huge loss even when the price went a little higher, to $10000. Then a few seconds before the auction ended the final bid of $20100 came about.

Now who's the winner? :-)

If you didn't have 20k to blow on the real deal you're not totally out of luck if you'd like to give the game a try. RetroZone has a reproduction available for purchase at their website. With the current sale going on there you'll be able to get the reproduction for as little as $65... Click here to do to their website.

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