December 31st, 2009 - 1:26 pm - Posted by Martin Comments: 0

As this will be the final news post in 2009 I'd like to take the oppportunity to thank each and everyone of you for visiting the site, it's a great boost of support to see that there are hits on the site daily and it encourages me to continue working on new stuff for it.

2010 will bring a lot of changes for me personally though, I'm becoming a dad for the first time and where that put the site I'm not sure, other than further down the list of important things. I will however try to have infrequent updates like now, and hopefully a little more often.

Anyway I wish you all a happy new year and the best.

Peace and out :-)

- Martin

December 29th, 2009 - 4:35 pm - Posted by Martin Comments: 0
Well as the year 2009 is almost done for, I've archived most of the news posts, which now can be found here.
December 29th, 2009 - 3:24 pm - Posted by Martin Comments: 0

Yesterday I received my preordered copy of a new NES Music Cartridge called "Teletime". The music is done by Joey Mariano and the NES code is by No-Carrier.

According to Joey Mariano no more than 50 of these carts would be made, and as it's still available from his webshop, so I believe it's still possible to buy a copy if you wish, the price is $30 + shipping ($5).

December 29th, 2009 - 3:10 pm - Posted by Martin Comments: 0

I've meant to post this video for a few days but didn't get around to do it until now. Battle Kid: Fortress of Peril has now been completed, the label art is done and a final trailer for the January 2010 release is now also available.

A bit of info for those who knows nothing about this cool release; The game will be released on a NES compatible cartridge, for play in any region on a Nintendo Entertainment System Deck. The cartridge will be sold by RetroZone and I'm guessing at a price around $30-40, but it's pure guessing. 

If you'd like to check out the game before buying, I suggest downloading the demo from NESWORLD's homebrew section, or by using the direct rom link here.

December 25th, 2009 - 7:16 am - Posted by Martin Comments: 0

The N64 release list has once again received an update, although only the actual listing this time around but the number of releases on the list is now no less than 996(!) so next time it'll break 1K, nice! :-)

Anyway to check out the list, click here

December 25th, 2009 - 5:25 am - Posted by Martin Comments: 0
I would like to wish everyone of you "out there" a merry christmas and hope that you receive a lot of videogame presents :-)
December 6th, 2009 - 11:53 am - Posted by Martin Comments: 0

The N64 lidt project is going steady with more and more game details being added and the list has now grown to 924 worldwide releases with only a handful of unconfirmed ones, and there are still games to be discovered I'm sure :-)

Click here to go to the list http://nw.64scener.com/n64releaselist.php

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