July 29th, 2010 - 12:52 am - Posted by Martin Comments: 0

Today I've received an email from Arto, known for his NES Flash Pak project, called FunkyFlash, that unfortunately never reached the masses.

Anyway Arto has been working on a NES homebrew and joined the Assembly Summer 2010 event, which is held in Helsinki, as the only NES entry. The Assembly Summer 2010 entries are now available.

SUPER PAKPAK is a 2-4 player Spacewar!/Thrust/Gravity force style game. At least two players are needed to start the game. HOLD button A at the start
menu to begin a game. The game will begin after the counter counts to zero. In two player games, you need to get two kills in a round before the level
ends. In three or four player games, the level ends when there is only one
ship remaining.
Click here to download.
Thanks to Arto for the news!
and a long overdue homebrew section update should be ready soon :-)
July 7th, 2010 - 7:19 pm - Posted by Martin Comments: 0
Yeah the title of this news post does sound bad, and some may even say that the device I'm referring to is evil... but why not check it out here and find out what it is if you don't know already :-)
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