July 30th, 2011 - 6:41 pm - Posted by Martin Comments: 0

Some great news were posted on the NESWORLD Forum a few days ago. User Shiru announced that a new NES homebrew was ready to be played by the public, and it looks quite playable.

Here's what Shiru wrote...

The game is a logic platformer. You control a hero and his alter ego. You have to switch between them to clear a level. It is a bit similar to Binary Land.

This game is a port, or maybe a remake, of recent ZX Spectrum game of the same name. The original version created by Denis Grachev from RetroSouls, you can see video of it here and get it here. NES version got new graphics, original music by Kulor (composed for the game), and some other changes.

You can download the ROM here.

July 7th, 2011 - 6:09 pm - Posted by Martin Comments: 0

64drive is almost ready for release and a new feature has been added which can be seen in the video below...

If you'd like to own one of these babies, visit frequently as the first run is said to be limited and "may" be out a few weeks from now.

July 5th, 2011 - 6:12 pm - Posted by Martin Comments: 0

A few days ago true 8 bit magic happened over at - the Dizzy fansite. A user going by the name Dizzy uploaded what appeared to be the source code for the known to exist Alpha of Dreamworld Pogie, a game planned for the awesome, but also highly overrated Aladdin Deck Enhancer add-on which was published by Camerica shortly before the company went bankrupt.

The source code was made available at the yolkfolk site and can be found at along with some other cool bits and pieces, such as a map for the missing Wonderland Dizzy game that was planned and partly programmed. I talked to the Oliver Twins some years ago and a prototype does exist, but seems to have dissapeared from the "archives".

Now the source is actually binaries that can be merged into a "ROM" and with a little help from an iNES header you have a playable game for your favourite NES emulator, or better yet, a NES PowerPak.

The ROM file can be found here

Thanks to all involved in making this available to everyone, it's truely a gem from the days of unlicensed NES game development :-)

Also thanks to the Game Genie wizard, Hybrid, codes for the game are already available:

Infninite Lives SZONIEVK
Start on Level 2 PEUKSGAA
Start on Level 3 ZEUKSGAA
Start on Level 4 LEUKSGAA
Start on Level 5 GEUKSGAA
Start on Level 6 IEUKSGAA
Start on Level 7 TEUKSGAA
Start on Level 8 YEUKSGAA
Start on Level 9 AEUKSGAE
Start on Level 10 PEUKSGAE
Start on Level 11 ZEUKSGAE
Start on Level 12 LEUKSGAE
Start on Level 13 GEUKSGAE
Start on Level 14 IEUKSGAE
Start on Level 15 TEUKSGAE
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