Back in 1991 this game was announced to be released by Sofel, supposedly also being developed by Sofel, an unconfirmed release date is said to be
25 July 1991. It was targeted for female video game players and based on an upcomming animated movie which was some sort of sequel to Snow White.
You, as Snow White was to team up with the seven dwarfs and make it through Lord Maliss' evil kingdom to save Prince Charming.
While work on the movie was started in 1998 an actual release didn't happen until 1993 and the late release, NES era wise, might have been the main
reason why this game never happened, on the NES at least. In stead "Snow White in Happily Ever After" was released for the Super Nintendo by American
Softworks in August 1994, developed by Imagitec Design.

The NES version doesn't look much like the SNES version though, while the NES release was supposed to be some sort of adventure with cut scenes
throughout the game, the SNES version is nothing more than a sad excuse of a platform game.