Back in July 1990, UK Magazine called Mean Machines featured a small preview of an upcomming Tengen game. The game was no less than the heard of but else unknown
racing game called Hard Drivin' which actually never left the the development stage eventhough a release sometime mid 1991 was planned.
While the Nintendo Entertainment System release didn't make it, both the Sega Genesis and Nintendo Gameboy had a Hard Drivin' game being published.
Many have wondered why the game was released and most probably came to the conclusion that it was impossible to port a 3D arcade game to the Nintendo
Entertainment System, or that the NES release of the game would've been a sad generic racer only using the Hard Drivin' title to cause a hype while the
game itself had nothing to do with the original.
Well the screenshots are now here to prove everyone wrong......

Yes, Hard Drivin' did indeed exist and yes it was a port of the original game. Once again the people at Tengen manage to amaze me with another edge breaking
title which sadly went unreleased, like Airball.
The game was programmed by Mark Morris who unfortunately hasn't yet been "found" for a comment about the game.