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FEB.13.2009 |
Please note that NES WORLD is a non-profit, non-commercial, website offered to you free of charge. It has no affiliation with
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NES WORLD is not a store or manufacturer of video games, which means that you can not buy what you see here, atleast not directly
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V.2005 - 1.00LS
29 MAY 2007 - 01:20 CET
If you haven't noticed already, yes I am very lazy with the updates for the site. Things like these should've been posted ages ago, but then I just kinda forgot.
Anyway, there's a new Club Mario exclusive game out, the first one was a compilation of old Game&Watch titles, and this time our friends at Nintendo have updated
my favourite NES game, Balloon Fight, and renamed it to "Tingle's Balloon Fight" which sadens me as the two guys who originally fought the badies are now replaced by
a green guy called Tingle. Well if you want to play this updated version of Balloon Fight on your DS, then your only option is to pick one up on ebay... good luck.
14 MAY 2007 - 22:10 CET
Way back in November 2005 I make a brief news post about a NES project called "The Funky NES Flash cart", being invented by a finnish guy who goes by the name
Arto Hatanpaa. The project was looking promising but then kind of died out late 2006 and it seems that Arto's project now has been scrapped completely, main
reason could be that the CPLD he was using now no longer is being manufactured.

But on to todays topic. It seems that a similar project is in the works by a guy who calls himself "bunnyboy" and he has been posting about it on the nesdev forum.
It seems like his project is nearing completion and the final price is supposedly going to be somewhere around US$135.
So what does this thing do? Well compared to Arto's project Rolex fake
cheap christian louboutin
where a game would be loaded into the cartridge using a USB hookup, Bonnyboy's cartridge will feature
a CF (Compact Flash) slot, so the name are stored on the CF card, nice! It is said to work on both PAL and NTSC consoles and the PCB will be hosted in a nice
clear plastic shell similar to the original NES game pak design, though it seems that he "mirrored" the look so that the label is placed in the left hand side of
the cartridge.
There is no known release date for the cartridge but it may happen sometime during July, unfortunately preordering is not an option...
Well I'll keep you posted :-)
12 MAY 2007 - 19:55 CET
I've been working on a t-shirt project for quite some time, but as of now I've pretty much given up on the idea as it would become quite expensive and I would
most likely end up with a lot of unsold t-shirt. But if you would like a t-shirt I've created a page over at cafe press where NES WORLD shirts are available, now
I just hope the quality is okay...
Click here to go to cafe press.
12 MAY 2007 - 19:50 CET
A while back I posted news about a new NES game by Al Bailey and also mentioned that he would be making a batch of carts available for purchase from various gaming events
in Canada and the US. These carts are now available and comes packed in a very nice tin box, heck it even includes a little manual. Two types of cartridges are available, a
gold and regular grey.
If you can't attend one one of these shows well then you're not totally out of luck as Al most likely will be selling the remaining cartridges online, so it might be
a good idea to check out the NW forum.
7 MAY 2007 - 23:45 CET
Well it looks like bcentral died on me after 10 years of great service and I've lost track of the site hits. But I've found a new one and added it to the page.
The good part is that you now are able to see how many (few) hits the hits has daily. Starting off at 2.000.000 hits :P
7 MAY 2007 - 23:00 CET

If you haven't heard of Retroware TV until now, I would suggest that you start paying some attention then! erhmm hehe. Here are two guys, Ito and John D, video game junkies
like myself, but instead of just making a simple website about their great passion (video games) they instead choose the hard way, making a TV show and eventhough
these two guys claim to be amateurs, their show sure looks professional to me.
So I would suggest that you head on over to and tune in on episode 2 which has launched today.
Thanks for another great show guys and keep them comming, ya hear me?! Okay, Good! :-)