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banjo tooie on wii/not64 (Read 3091 times)
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banjo tooie on wii/not64
03. Mar 2015 at 15:29
Ok so for starters I'm new here ,and also to the forum community in general so I apoligize if I say anything that upsets anyone. Now that that's out of the way I wanted to get banjo tooie working (without the screen shaking or the white issue) on my wii64 like so many have apparently been trying to on every other forum I've seen. I've tried patching, downloading different extensions (.n64 .v64 etc..),doing what little tweaks I can to wii64 but to no avail. I like to believe I have a strong general understanding of emulation and technology as a whole so I don't think it's cus I'm an idiot. I know this was a reaccuring issue years ago I'm just curious if it's been sorted out or not. Ps. I tried fb textures still nothing.  Angry
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