 | | | A NES Flash Cartridge out of Finland that sadly never sad the light of day in massproduction. |
|  | | | First ever massproduced NES Flash cartridge. |
|  | | | Probably the first ever homemade NES copier. The idea was to create a way to transfer game ROMs to a file from where they later could be downloaded to a "universal cartridge". |
 | | | One of the first N64 flash carts to arrive, this is the preview version that only was released in limited quantities. |
|  | | | The first massproduced version of the 64Drive, a Nintendo64 Flash cartridge. |
|  | | | Also known as the V64jr, the E64 was the first and only N64 copier and cart emulator to contain 512mbits of RAM, enough to run the largest Nintendo 64 games released. |
|  | | | Factory produced Everdrive clone (ripoff) out of China, identical to the first version of the Everdrive64. |
|  | | | First N64 flash cart from Krikzz, use this to play (pretty much) any ROM you'd like |
|  | | | Third and latest version of the N64 flash cart from Krikzz. |
|  | | | First ever mass produced N64 flash cartridge, sadly one that does a very poor job at it. Great part was that it had a great community backing it. |
|  | | | The device is called UltraSave and it will allow you to copy ROM or Save Data from a cartridge to your computer. The latter can also be written to a Cartridge. |
|  | | | Probably the best and easiest to use Nintedo64 copier released, only downside was that it only ran off zip disks, with no other connectivity options. |
 | | | Bare board SNES game copier by ToToTek that sadly hasn't aged well, and the software is extremely buggy. |
|  | | | No piracy here, this is an official product by Nintendo for use with special kiosks spread across Japan back in the day, letting you purchase games to a rewritable cartridge at a cheaper price. |
 | |  | The price of this cart is incredibly cheap, but please note that the cart also comes with some limitations. While it's compatible with both the original DMG Gameboy and the Gameboy Color there's a maximum to the size of game ROMs and Savegames, being 1 MegaByte game ROMs and 128 Kilobytes saves |